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Enrollment: HTML Embed
Enrollment: Text

Note From The Academy Director
Becoming a Trooper will not be an easy task, but with a little help, I am sure you will all pull through. Here is a little note from me so you know what to expect within our Academy. To become a Trooper, you must complete the PSP Academy. This consists of 5 phases, a ride-along and an exam. Phases are trainings and we teach and test you in real-time. After you have done your phases, you will complete a ride-along which just consists of riding with another PSP Trooper on patrol to get some hands-on experience. Then complete your exam and graduate to become a fully-fledged trooper! If you have any questions regarding anything to do with PSPA, please do not hesitate to contact me at Moustache#0001 (Discord)
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